There are many ways to begin to educate at home. The hardest step is the first. But even if you have a child in a public school there is no reason to have their education stop with the afternoon bell. Begin with conversation and move on to those things that are important to you and your family.

There are many books on this topic and the idea is that there is no wrong way to educate your children. Provided that you are enabling them to be literate and independently functional to the degree that they are capable. I find that it is of great importance that we, as parents, read. To ourselves and to the children. For ourselves and for the children. Feed ourselves and the children will learn to do the same.

  • Here is a list of books I have found interesting and helpful.

  • Pillars of the Republic

  • Lies my Teacher told Me -Loewen

  • Rogue State - Blum

  • Killing Hope - Blum

  • Trust the Children - Anna Kealoha This book got me going. It is sane, simple and easy to put to use.

  • Essays by Gore Vidal

  • Candide and Other Stories - Voltaire

  • Plays by Moliére

  • Essays of Helen Keller

  • They have done their best and their worst to crush and enslave us. Their politicians have betrayed us, their courts have thrown us into jail without trial and their soldiers have shot our comrades dead in their tracks.The worm turns at last, and so does the worker.                       Eugene V. Debs, Arouse, ye slaves! (1906)

  • John Holt

"I have come to believe that a person's schooling is as much a part of his private business as his politics or religion, and that no one should be required to answer questions about it. May I say instead that most of what I know I did not learn in school, and indeed was not even 'taught.'"—John Holt

  • John Taylor Gatto

There are several sources for Free books. They are on-line but you could print out pages. If you are a member of a forum, try setting up a library/share that the borrower pays postage. I have also found hundreds of books at thrift stores and in the garbage. Our library sells books for a dollar a bag!

Internet  Archive - Like a paper library, we provide free access to researchers, historians, scholars, and the general public.

Project Gutenberg -Very good site, volunteer and donate!

Wikibooks - Any language, lots of books.

Marxists Internet Archive - Do not let the name scare you, it is an enormous source of historical and economic literature. Helen Keller, Malcom X, Jame Connolly, Allende and many more. And if you do not have a clear understanding of socialism this site is a great way to learn unhindered by the capitalist/corporatist view.

Scribd- Be careful here , the link is to books but there are opinions on this site as well.  Also. it has ADS! Bleeech!

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